This is part two of a three-part series. Please read part one first, if you haven’t already.
In Part One we saw how the Watchtower has repeatedly stated that people must examine both sides of an issue in order to arrive at the truth. We saw how people need to do this in spite of one side being labelled “liars, spawn of Satan, etc.” Finally, we saw how the Watchtower has confirmed that this method for finding the truth will never change.
The Big Surprise
Imagine our surprise then, if we should ever walk into an assembly of Jehovah’s people and hear the following statements being made by a Watchtower spokesman in a public talk:
Like Satan, our critics are unruly men who cook up wicked reasonings and season their brew with poisonous lies that deceive minds. Their preference is to partake of falsehood at the table of demons. Our critics are part of the seed of the serpent spoken of at Genesis 3 verse 15. If we wish to please Jehovah, we cannot be feeding at his table and at the same time be nibbling at the table of demons, eating from
the hands of Satan’s helpers – our critics.
If Satan and his demons are chefs in his evil kitchen, then our critics are his helpers.
Our critics are mentally diseased and they try to infect others with their disloyal teachings.
Avoiding critics means that we will not allow them into our homes by reading their literature; watching TV programs that feature them; examining their websites; or adding our comments to their blogs.— Excerpts from the symposium “Beware Apostates!” given at the 2013 District Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses [The word “apostate” has been changed to “our critics” for reasons explained below.]
Now wait just a minute! Is this “new truth”? After decades of preaching about how we need to be open to both sides of an issue, has the Governing Body discovered that their stance has been wrong all this time, and now we are told not to examine both sides? But how could that possibly be when the Governing Body has told us that the truth does not change with time?
It seems that the members of the Governing Body are the ones who have become “disloyal” — turning their backs on their own fundamental teaching on the method for ascertaining the truth.
What to do? Well, let’s remain loyal to the truth and its methods. Methods we learned from the Watchtower: let’s examine the evidence.
The Watchtower talk was referring to what they call “apostates.” This is loaded language, so I purposely substituted the phrase “our critics” because that more accurately describes the people to whom they are referring: specifically, critics who were once Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Apostates are not a homogenous group with one set of beliefs or world-view such as the Witnesses have. They are diverse individuals. Some of them may be unruly, but not all of them are. Some may be mentally diseased, but most are not. Some no longer believe in Christ, but some of them still do. Few retain a belief in Satan, and fewer still believe they are his helpers. So, it is wrong to lump them all together and say that apostates are:
- Unruly
- Wicked
- Manipulators
- Deceivers
- Liars
- Anti-Christs
- The seed of Satan
- Satan’s Helpers
It’s not only wrong of the Governing Body to do this, it’s a lie. More than that: it is prejudice: impugning the character of every individual based solely on their membership in a group. It is a stereotype: just as bad (and stupid) as calling all Mexicans lazy or Jewish people avaricious.
This is not good: we have caught our “authority figure” (the Governing Body) in an obvious lie. Now, when a liar accuses someone else of lying, should we suddenly imagine that they are telling the truth? No, though liars sometimes do tell the truth, we would be stupid not to examine the evidence even more carefully than usual under such circumstances.
The “Evidence”
What is the evidence the Governing Body supplies to prove their accusation that their critics are liars? Here is another excerpt from the same talk:
Our critics have used the media to accuse Jehovah’s Witnesses of refusing to give medical treatment to their children and of deliberately condoning serious sins committed by fellow believers.
Our critics falsely stated that Jehovah’s Witnesses supported Hitler’s regime during World War II.
The evidence they have provided consists of three statements attributed to “apostates.” Let’s examine them one at a time to see if the statements really are lies.
1. Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse to give medical treatment to their children
In what alternate reality could this be considered to be a lie? Jehovah’s Witnesses refuse blood transfusions for themselves and for their children. That is a medical treatment. There is no dispute about this. They even published an issue of their Awake! magazine featuring the children who died as a result of this policy.
Score another truth for apostates, and another lie for the Governing Body.
2. Jehovah’s Witnesses deliberately condone serious sins committed by fellow believers
The Watchtower has a policy of not informing the police of child molestation which has been reported to the elders of their congregations (unless there are two or more witnesses to the crime: a condition rarely if ever fulfilled.) Courts of law have found them guilty on this count and they have been ordered to pay millions of dollars to the victims.
This policy results in the condoning of serious sins committed by fellow believers.
Score another truth for the apostates, and another lie for the Governing Body.
3. Jehovah’s Witnesses supported Hitler’s regime during World War II
At worst, this could be described as an exaggeration. I, for one, have never stated it this way, though again: apostates are a diverse lot and some are apt to overstate the case in some instances. You can’t blame all apostates for what some might say; we are individuals.
The truth of the matter is this: Rutherford, then president of the Watchtower Society, sent a cloying letter to Hitler in which he basically stated that the Witnesses felt the same way towards the Jews as he did, and that they too would like to see all the nations on Earth conquered, and businesses destroyed:
Dear Chancellor,
The Brooklyn headquarter of the Watchtower Society is pro German in an exemplary way and has been so for many years…The conference of five thousand delegates also noted – as is expressed in the declaration – that the Bible Researchers of Germany are fighting for the very same high ethical goals and ideals which also the national government of the German Reich proclaimed respecting the relationship of humans to God, namely: honesty of the created being towards its creator.
The conference came to the conclusion that there are no contradictions when it comes to the relationship between the Bible Researchers of Germany to the national government of the German Reich. To the contrary, referring to the purely religious and unpolitical goals and efforts of the Bible Researchers, it can be said that these are in full agreement with the identical goals of the national government of the German Reich.
We are looking forward to your kind approval, which we hope to receive soon, and want to assure our highest respect to you, honorable Mr. Chancellor.
Yours faithfully,
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society Magdeburg
Nor was this limited to a secret letter: Witnesses were very aware of this stance, as shown in the “Declaration of Facts” they adopted, and later published in their 1934 Yearbook:
It has been the commercial Jews of the British-American empire that have built up and carried on Big Business as a means of exploiting and oppressing the peoples of many nations. This fact particularly applies to the cities of London and New York, the stronghold of Big Business. This fact is so manifest in America that there is a proverb concerning the city of New York which says: ‘The Jews own it, the Irish Catholics rule it, and the Americans pay the bills.’
A careful examination of our books and literature will disclose the fact that the very high ideals held and promulgated by the present national government are set forth in and endorsed and strongly emphasized in our publications, and show that Jehovah God will see to it that these high ideals in due time will be attained by all persons who love righteousness and who obey the Most High. Instead, therefore, of our literature and our work’s being a menace to the principles of the present government we are the strongest supporters of such high ideals. For this reason Satan, the enemy of all men who desire righteousness, has sought to misrepresent our work and prevent us from carrying it on in this land.
–From the Declaration of Principles (WBTS)
That’s not the whole picture, of course. Although we cringe today at the racism and antisemitism displayed in the above quotes, we could take a positive spin on the above and say that the Watchtower leaders were attempting to placate a maniac, and used whatever half-truths they could in order to avoid persecution: a persecution that did come, and which many Witnesses bravely withstood. See the original documents, and translations.
So, it’s not as simple as stating that “Witnesses supported Hitler.” That sentence doesn’t do justice to the complexities of the situation. But it’s something that bears examination, and everyone concerned about this issue has a right to know the above facts and make up their own minds as to whether the actions were justified. That’s all that this particular apostate is asking, in accordance with the Watchtower method of truth seeking.
I’ll be generous and score half a point on each side.
So, Who’s lying?
Well, the final truth score in our examination is (with 3 being a perfect score):
- Governing Body: 1/2
- Apostates: 2-1/2
Sorry, Governing Body; you have been shown to be liars once again. Those of us who remain loyal to the truth will continue to speak the truth about you, whether you denigrate us as wicked helpers of Satan or not. Our motivation is not evil: it is love for our former brothers and sisters still enslaved to your lies.
In Part Three, the final part of this series, you will get to interactively discover for yourself, beyond any doubt, exactly who the liar is.
Many thanks to my fellow apostate blogger Stephanie for making me aware of the convention talk. Be sure to click on her name to view her excellent, heartfelt video on this subject. Also, be sure to check out Cedar’s blog on this subject.
anonymous • 4 years ago
The whom is a liar is called out by the truthful ones.
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smmcroberts anonymous • 4 years ago
It’s hard to argue with logic–not to mention English–such as that.
But stay tuned; I see that some of us need a third part in this series. So, coming soon to your favorite apostate site: we’ll help to further identify those who are not the “truthful ones.”
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anonymous smmcroberts • 4 years ago
Are you belittling me as to provoke a fight? See you don’t speak to help others. You speak to help yourself.
I can see by your emotional and irrational response while threatened, that logical reasoning is non existent with you. You see Reasoning with sound logic and sound mind can not work if you are Arrogant,Hateful, and unwilling to listen to reason. You just didn’t like what I said,The Truth. Hate, this is the reason you simply can not argue effectively. You have already called me Stupid for my beliefs and a liar as well. But the fact still remains one is the Liar and one is Truthful. One is truly stupid and the other is truly wise.. Only God will separate Satans people from his people.
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smmcroberts anonymous • 4 years ago
Whoa, there, anonymous! Where did that outburst come from? I’ve never called you stupid or belittled you.
It wasn’t that I “didn’t like what you said.” It was that I couldn’t understand your non-grammatical sentence. I couldn’t even tell if you were agreeing with me or disagreeing with me.
I’m sorry if I completely missed your attempt at “reasoning and sound logic.” But I don’t think you’re justified in assuming from that that I am full of hate and arrogance.
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Britt • 4 years ago
You people have something wrong with you you’s should be ashamed of yourselves its obv that they’re lies about the hitler thing n serious sin thing n the reason why we don’t accept blood is because its sacred n in the bible it’s tld that it should be poured back to Jehovah plus thats an old article theres new publication called the bible teach book tellin us that we cn accept other options other than blood, have u ever heard of the cell saver that doctors use in hospitals children dnt die anymore because of refusing blood due to tons of other options if they do die its not because of lack of blood you ppl need to truely repent and stop spreading lies this isn’t a game with points hw childish can you get this is real life fair enough if the truth wasn’t for you bt there’s no need for this.
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smmcroberts Britt • 4 years ago
“Children don’t die ANYMORE” from the Watchtower’s
policies? You make this as a POSITIVE statement, and then claim that
there is something wrong with US?
Whoa, there, Britt; try to think of what you’re saying! So it was okay for children to die in the past due to following the Watchtower??? Tell that to one of the parents, such as Mary, whose 15 year-old son died from refusing blood (…. Or tell it to a husband such as Gary Busselman (… whose wife Delores died for refusing a bone marrow transplant back when the Watchtower said transplants were against God’s law.
Wake up, Britt; children STILL die needlessly and senselessly if they need
platelets or whole blood. All because people like you refuse to listen to anyone but the Watchtower, whose record of reliability is zero.
You say we should be ashamed of ourselves. But shame on YOU for letting children die (and be molested, shunned, and uneducated) by following Watchtower policy and not even caring enough about your children to examine the other side of the issue — just because you’re terrified of Armageddon and are trying to save your own hide!
What if the Watchtower is as wrong about blood as they were about transplants? Don’t you think that’s a question worth asking, and then researching — outside of Watchtower publications — to find the answer?
Listen to yourself: “There’s a new publication… telling us that we can accept other options other than blood.” Why do you allow yourself to be TOLD what you can accept? Don’t you know that you have a human responsibility to look after your children beyond just doing whatever a “new publication” from a totally unreliable source tells you? (Luke 12:57)
How is it “obvious” to you that “the serious sin thing” is a lie? Have you
ever been molested as a child? If you had, you’d probably categorize
that as a “serious sin,” but even if you haven’t, you’ll still recognize
it as a serious sin as long as you haven’t lost all touch with your
sense of empathy.
The Watchtower’s “two witness” policy allows molestation to occur unabated. This has been proven in courts of law, and the Watchtower has been fined millions of dollars for their negligence (http://www.jehovahswitnessb…. If it was all just “apostate lies” surely the courts would’ve seen through it.
You are so right: “This isn’t a game with points.” It is life and death. Please pull your head out of your Watchtower publications, lift it up and face reality and your responsibilities as a human being on this planet. You must think for yourself and act out of love rather than blindly following the words of those who expect you to sacrifice your children to them, and those who teach you that you must hate anyone who points out the many real and fatal flaws of the Watchtower.
Yes, there is very much a “need for this” [these blog articles.] Because before people decide to give up their duties as human beings and surrender their freewill and minds to the Watchtower they at least need to see the truth about the Watchtower’s record of reliability.
Britt, you NEED to read these articles before responding to this comment, and definitely before going out in service to spread such doctrines further:………
Then you need to look into your heart, because I know you’re still in there somewhere.
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Britt smmcroberts • 4 years ago
and I never sed that children dying was a positive thing i meant that back in the day they wudnt of known about other choices they cud have other then blood so yes children may of sadly passed away bt wat im sayin now that children cn be hooked up to the cell saver machine which pumps wateva blood they lose durin ops straight back into their body uve got to stop tryin to make me sound like a horrible person
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smmcroberts Britt • 4 years ago
I don’t believe you’re a horrible person, and I have gone out of my way to say so several times. But the Watchtower has horrible doctrines that have cost the very lives of its gullible followers in the past. You can’t dismiss the significance of those lives by pointing out that medical science has recently developed some procedures whereby refusing blood might be a less fatal choice in some instances.
The hard fact is that the Watchtower (supposedly being directed by Jehovah) put policies in place that cost members their very lives. First it was vaccinations, then it was organ transplants, then it was blood. They’ve since admitted that they were wrong about the first two [with no apologies to the families of the people their policies killed]. They have yet to admit that they’re wrong on the last one (though the current policy is a farce: allowing cow’s blood and most human blood fractions, all of which would be unbiblical if there really was a prohibition against blood transfusions.)
Britt, please Tell me how these facts about the Watchtower [aka the Governing Body] proves that they are being directed by God. Enlighten me. Maybe I’m the one who is stupid because I just don’t get it. An organization that has gotten God’s laws FATALLY WRONG twice in the recent past: this is the organization I’m supposed to believe is “God’s organization on Earth”? And I’m supposed to refuse life-saving medical care based on their current say-so??? Excuse me, but wouldn’t that be the epitome of foolishness?
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Britt smmcroberts • 4 years ago
and we’re not afraid of Armageddon we’re lookin forward to it and for all u people that dint listen like in Noah’s day u will all perish unfortunately thats why we have to spread the word because Jehovah doesn’t wnt u to die in Armageddon bt jst like in Noah’s day they ignored him and his warnings n they all passed away accept Noah an his family we’re lookin foward to see wat Jehovah does and for the new paradise afterwards where we don’t have to worry or stress n i kno that im lookin forward to see our dead loved ones as well as many others
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Britt Britt • 4 years ago
all i kno is that it states in the bible that blood is sacred thats why we don’t accept it ive never read in the bible it sayin not to accept organs do u actually kno these ppl really well who have lost a person due to not givin them organs???? everything i say to u u switch it around or say the opposite if u ask me a question I’ll research n tell u im 19 im not afraid of bein questioned im firm in the faith n i trust it
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smmcroberts Britt • 4 years ago
When I was 19 I trusted them too. But a couple of years later I was heartbroken to discover that trusting them had been a huge mistake.
As for blood being sacred: it also says in the Bible that the loaves of presentation were sacred and were only to be eaten by priests. Yet David and his men ate the loaves in order to save their lives. Jesus spoke approvingly of David’s breaking God’s law in order to save life at Mark 2:23-27.
Can you derive a biblical principle from this?…
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smmcroberts Britt • 4 years ago
Sorry, Britt, but I feel morally obligated to inform you that you’re living a delusion. [Whether you’re capable of understanding this fact or not.]
First of all, the hard scientific evidence proves that there never could have been an earth-wide flood. Plus the biblical account itself contains impossibilities:…. So the whole Noah story is a myth rather than something to base your hopes for the future on.
Secondly, if it’s really true that the most powerful force in the universe (your “Jehovah”) “doesn’t want me to die,” then I’m not afraid of the death threats made by a publishing house in Brooklyn Heights, New York, and neither should you be.
Third: your dead loved ones will not be resurrected according to Watchtower doctrine. The most you’ll get is just some surrogates implanted with their memories:…
Fourth: You can’t live forever in paradise on Earth:…
Fifth: “Looking forward” to the deaths of billions of people is morally sick. I suspect you’re better than that, but misguided adherence to the Watchtower suppresses the best in you.
Do some independent research (not using Watchtower publications) and reclaim your life.
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Britt smmcroberts • 4 years ago
have you ever thought that these people could be the liers some of these ppl cud of been in the truth n did something bad and gt disfellowshipped because they were unrepentant so they decided to spread lies to make themselves feel better and dnt say we’re the liers because we tell the truth with facts n evidence from the bible many religions dnt do that we actually stick to the laws u get Muslims celebratin Christmas i thought they worshiped alla not Jesus the whole world is lyin in the power of the wicked one u call me sick for lookin forward to see my dead loved ones atleast i will see them and it’ll be a joyous occasion why wud i sack the truth jst to go into the world where there’s ppl who dnt care bout me, pedos everywhere, parties where i cud end up drunk n throwing up in a gutter gttin an sti or unwanted pregnancy frm sex this world is not fair and its unsafe if the truth makes us safe frm this world then wats wrong i had a taste of this world n my bad association tempted me to do drugs, drink have sex stay out all night n party i was reproved i felt like i let myself down n Jehovah which i did i was hurt not happy in the world why wud i go back to that when i ave friends in the truth that care bout me and wudnt tempted me into anything why do u insist i leave the truth im happy in it thats one thing worldly ppl don’t have true happiness don’t call me names or gt angry im jst statin hw i feel thanks
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smmcroberts Britt • 4 years ago
First: I didn’t call you sick for looking forward to seeing dead loved ones. That’s a dishonest case of deliberately twisting my words. I said that “looking forward to the deaths of billions of people is morally sick.” I stand by that statement.
The Watchtower paints everything in black and white. Sure there are all these wicked things you mention “in the world,” but they’re not telling you the whole story.
The universe is NOT divided up into Jehovah’s Witnesses on one side and the “wicked world” on the other. It is all just people. There are good and bad on both sides.
I never “left the truth.” I followed the truth. It led me out of a lying organization and back into the real world.
I haven’t set foot in a Kingdom Hall in over 35 years. But in all that time I have not been drunk or taken recreational drugs, stayed out all night, or had casual sex. Instead, I educated myself, volunteered, got a good job so I could donate to charities, and began donating whole blood and then platelets at the Red Cross. [I realize that the latter two would be considered sins by the Watchtower, but not by any rational person.] I also began trying to help my former brothers and sisters to see the light.
I’m not telling you all this to blow my own horn. I’m telling you this to show you that people who decide to leave a lying organization sometimes do so in order to maintain their integrity and to remain loyal to the truth. Then they find that the world outside of the organization has many caring people who do acts of kindness and love. It is filled with rich literature, arts, music, poetry, philosophy, science, and fascinating cultures. It isn’t all just the blackness that the Watchtower paints. Maybe that’s their biggest lie.
Statistically, you’re probably safer from pedophiles out here in the world than in the org.
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Britt smmcroberts • 4 years ago
I don’t need to read ur apostate literature n we obey Jehovah not the watchtower shows hw much u kno n yes children die bt they will be resurrected into the paradise we have that hope that we all cn look forward to and we do not allow children to get molested thats a load of rubbish i myself was sexual assaulted when i was still at school the elders and my mum were there for me when I had to tlk to the police n make a statement so do not spread lies like that we just follow the bible which is a gift from god he tells us what’s right and wrong he cares and wants to keep us safe many may think its restrictive bt wen a mother doesn’t allow her child to go out at a certain time its not coz she’s bein evil its to keep her child safe from pedos and also my dad physical abused me and mentally abused my little brother and he was punished the elders warned him with scriptures bt he didn’t listen he had a bad temper so he was punished if the elders didnt care about children wudnt my dad still be here beating me up?
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smmcroberts Britt • 4 years ago
Well, as part one of this article proved: according to the Watchtower itself you DO need to read criticisms of the Watchtower. How else will you see both sides of the issues [which the Watchtower says is the only means of arriving at the truth]?
You wrote: “we obey Jehovah not the watchtower shows hw much u kno”
But sadly, this really shows how little you know about the history of the organization you have pledged your life to.…
From 1921 to 1952 the Watchtower said vaccinations were against God’s law. When the Witnesses refused vaccinations, were they obeying Jehovah or the Watchtower?
From 1967 to 1980 the Watchtower said organ transplants were against God’s law. When the Witnesses refused organ transplants, were they obeying Jehovah or the Watchtower?
Today, the Watchtower says that vaccinations and transplants are NOT against God’s law. So, in letting their children die for want of these medical procedures in the past, Witnesses were NOT obeying laws of Jehovah’s; they were obeying the whims of the Watchtower. [References supporting all of these facts are in the links I already gave you which you say you don’t need to read.]
In these FATAL mistakes the Watchtower proved (all by itself with no help from “lying apostates”) that it did NOT know what God’s laws were — even when it took it upon itself to enforce what it only imagined his laws were. To any person with reasoning abilities that shows that this organization is unreliable, and does not know when God is directing it and when he is not (which strongly implies that they have NEVER been directed by God.)
Of course, if this really were Jehovah’s organization he never would’ve allowed the Watchtower to make false proclamations about his laws (or allowed them to remain in effect for decades) which directly led to the deaths of some of his “name people.”
Britt, I’m glad you didn’t experience the same treatment at the elders’ hands as so many others have. But your experience in no way invalidates theirs, or the fact that Watchtower policy leads to a lack of protection for vulnerable children.
Tell Candace Conti that “it’s a load of rubbish.” Courts of law that have objectively examined the evidence disagree with your conclusion. Have you personally examined the evidence in such cases? If not, how do you know that you’re not lying about it being “rubbish”?
Just because the Watchtower tells you something is a lie, that does not make it so: remember what they said about vaccinations and organ transplants? Turns out what they said were lies. How do you know they’re not lying about other things? You don’t if you never examine what their critics say. And if you just go on parroting what the Watchtower says you will be lying too.
see more
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Britt Britt • 4 years ago
yeh u may not be doin bad things bt at the end of the day ur still part of the world satan has won with u n the fact hes usin u to turn others to the world is bad its jst like Adam n eve satan turn eve n eve gt Adam to sin too Putin us in this mess jst like in Noah’s day the people were jst livin their lives yet they werent doin god will they dint listen to kno jst as many today n they died im honestly not tryin to be rude bt im not a sick person im gona enjoy seein everyone happy n joyful as they see their loved ones again n since ur an ex witness u shud kno that it cn be done for Jesus resurrected many ppl u shud kno better n the fact ur tryin to drag ppl into the world which is ruled by satan is wrong trust me I’d rather be in the truth for a strt i avint been sexual assaulted by anyone in the truth whilst in the world i was as well as many other girls where did u find ur info from???? tell me which watchtower u find corrupt n I’ll check them out????
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smmcroberts Britt • 4 years ago
Britt, please see the links I’ve already provided for the facts about the Watchtower stating that vaccinations and organ transplants were against God’s law. The article you are commenting on contains the quotes from the Watchtower on the two witness rule which results in protecting pedophiles in the organization. On this, you can also follow the link I gave you to the Candace Conti case. I also previously gave you a link to show why the Noah story could not possibly be true.
I’m glad you’re going to do some research.
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Britt Britt • 4 years ago
you believe what scientists say when it was scientists who sed evolution exist bt then changed there mind sayin that they’re must be a creator scientist change their views like that the bible has never changed and info has been taken frm the bible and used in the watchtower and awakes its a shame u dnt believe in the hope at the end of the day i believe in the truth all these lies and false literature won’t gt to me it makes me stronger u cn call me stupid bt ur the foolish ones when Armageddon comes u will see that this is the truth n that maybe u shud of listened i feel sorry for u and if ur goin to reply sayin the complete opposite of wat I’ve sed don’t bother lets jst agree to disagree goodbye
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smmcroberts Britt • 4 years ago
Science has not “Changed its mind” on evolution. Science has never come to the conclusion “that there must be a creator.” I don’t know where you’ve gotten such ideas (probably from the Watchtower publications) but they are flat out lies. That’s why you need to educate yourself apart from an organization that I’ve just proven to you has lied.
It is the Watchtower that keeps changing its mind. If the “Bible has never changed” why were vaccinations and organ transplants against God’s law decades ago, and now are not against God’s law? I never called you stupid, but what would you call someone who can’t answer that simple question when the answer is so obvious? Or who avoids even considering that vital question?
In any case, it’s not “scientists” that I believe. What I believe in is called the scientific method. It is the best method we have for ascertaining the truth. It relies on evidence. The evidence regarding the Watchtower proves that it lied when it said vaccinations and organ transplants were against God’s law. All of that evidence is within the pages of Watchtower publications. You don’t need “lying apostate literature” to see that. You just have to look into what the Watchtower itself has published. Are you brave enough to do that? Or are you a “truth seeker” in name only?
Even if Armageddon came it could not possibly make the lies of the Watchtower suddenly become truth.
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Britt smmcroberts • 4 years ago
first of all im not avoiding anything yes the watchtower may of changed bt c’mon we’re not perfect did u kno witnesses used to celebrate birthdays n Xmas bt as soon as we learned it was wrong we changed n stop so yeh the watchtower may of changed about givin an organ so what there’s still much to learn bt yano u’ll never get it u dnt like the fact i have a faith there’s no point in arguing when Armageddon comes u’ll be feelin pretty foolish all u do is bad mouth witnesses n the watchtower its kind of pathetic coz i dnt bad mouth ur religion bt thats the difference between a true Christian n a false one im jst standing up for my faith the truth n it is known that scientist have agreed that their must be a creator bt look i dnt wnt u bad mouthin the truth to me so give up
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smmcroberts Britt • 4 years ago
“Oh, sorry about killing your son, Mary, and for killing your wife, Gary. But, c’mon: we’re not perfect!”
Britt, you said: “the watchtower may of changed about givin an organ so what”
“SO WHAT?”???!!!
People “in the world” who needed a transplant between 1967-1980 lived. During that same time Jehovah’s Witnesses who needed a transplant died. Why did they die? Because they followed the lie of the Watchtower. Where did the lie come from? Was it from Jehovah? Did he lie? You’ll say No. But did the Governing Body THINK it came from Jehovah? You’ll say Yes. So, this evidence proves that they THINK Jehovah is leading them when he is NOT. Please think about that. It proves that they are NOT the “faithful and discreet slave” they make themselves out to be:…
What if I told you I was “God’s prophet on Earth”? That I was “anointed” by God to give you spiritual truth, and that God required you to obey whatever I told you? Would you do it: no questions asked? Or would you check up on me and see if there was any EVIDENCE to justify my extraordinary claim?
Any rational person would do the latter: check up on me.
What if you found out that there were people who used to believe me, but that who no longer believed me, but I told you that you must not listen to them because they were just pathetic liars who only wanted to bad-mouth my religion? Wouldn’t that make you a little suspicious that I might have something to hide, and that my claim might not be true?
Any rational person would be suspicious.
What if you then found out that I formerly said “X-Rays and all other scans of the body are against God’s law!” and several of my followers who were in serious accidents died because doctors couldn’t use their diagnostic machines to look for internal bleeding, etc. But after a few years I said “X-rays and all other scans of the body are NOT against God’s law!” Would you conclude from that evidence that I really was all that I claimed to be?
No rational person would.
Now, see if you can apply the above to your own relationship with the Watchtower.
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Stephanie H • 4 years ago
Very, very well done!! *applause* I loved the “our critics” part. Because that’s really who they are slandering. Just critics who have left their control. Thanks for the Hitler part as well. That makes a lot of sense… this article is undeniable. TRUTH.
Oh, and thanks for the shout-out as well.
Again, such an honor.
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Amie lesjw • 4 years ago
As always a thought provoking balanced article.
As I gradually wake up to the truth and think about how the organization portrays ‘apostates’ I am grateful for these articles.
I have to admit to being frightened of apostates. Looking back though I’m not proud of my ignorance. I was frightened because we were told that apostates were infectious. And there is only two ways that humans deal with fear and that is to fun away or to try to destroy what is scaring them.
I think you make an interesting point that we are all different, and we are trying to come to an understanding of ‘the truth’, well that’s true in my case anyway!
x Amie
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smmcroberts Amie lesjw • 4 years ago
Thanks, Amie.
You’re right: the WT uses fear in order to retain its followers. That’s why it takes brave souls such as yourself to break free of their clutches.
I wish you well in your fading.
BTW: I loved your blog articles. Keep writing; it does help!
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