Chess Bingo!

Print Bingo Cards

The "Chess Bingo" game helps players learn the coordinates of the chessboard in a fun way.

Each Bingo cards can be used in up to four Bingo games. Each game is limited to one quarter of the chessboard/Bingo card.

There are 15 different cards, so if you have more than 15 players you may have more than one winner each game.

The Game buttons below will call out random chess square coordinates each time they are clicked. Players must have a Pawn on the square called out in order to count the square as a hit (you can pass out stickers, or pens for marking the hit squares.)

When someone gets 4 hit squares in a row (vertically, horizontally, or diagonally) they must call out Bingo! Then click on the Sort button to put the calls in sorted order, and have someone call out the marked squares on the winner's Bingo card and make sure those squares are in the call-out list.