The Personal Website of Steve McRoberts
Advocating ethics through empathy
& treading lightly upon the Earth
Can the God of the Bible Exist?
Free online book!
Clear & convincing.
God or Santa?
Can you tell the difference?
Santa or Jehovah?
Take our fun online quiz and find out!
Pascal's Wager
Betting on God
Pascal's Wager
The flaws in Pascal's Wager on God's existence

I am a former Catholic and a former fundamentalist Christian. After experiencing the realities of life, and after reading the Bible cover-to-cover on my own, I became an atheist.

All of the evidence points to there not being a loving, all-mighty father-figure watching over us.

I now believe that humankind needs to advance past the "religious stage" if we are ever to reach a higher ethic and live in peace and harmony.

In my book, God, I discuss the reasons for not believing in such a being.

In my quiz I point out some remarkable similarities between two well-known figures: and one glaring difference.

In Pascal's Wager I discuss the flaws in Pascal's famous wager on God.

See also: An external series of videos on "Theism or Atheism".

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