Hunting is Murder on Animals |
Part I - Steve Goes Hunting |

Contemplating nature is all right, as far as it goes,
but I need to interact more with nature.
As one vulture said to another: "I'm bored -- I'm going to go kill something."

If I'm going to go hunting I'm going to need a gun.
I've never bought one before; so I'm going to have to see what's involved...
Let's go in.

Hi, I'd like to buy a 22 rifle.
How much is this one?
sales clerk: Sixty-nine ninety-five.

Sounds great. I'll take it.
sales clerk: Okay, just need your driver's license from you.
Well, that was easy, and now I'm ready to go!
Now I am truly "master of all I survey!"
(Leans rifle against rock and looks around.)

(Another hunter sneaks up from behind Steve and grabs his gun.)
What was that? (Steve turns and sees the other hunter pointing Steve's own gun at him!)