March in this order:
Usage Instructions
The purpose of this page is to help familiarize you with the capital cities of the states of the U.S. It is a perfect preliminary to our USA Capitals Game in which you must know the capitals of the states to win.
Click on the Speech On checkbox to hear the names of the capitals/states when you hover over, find, or Play them.
Hover over a state to highlight it in red, and see (and hear) its name along with its capital city.
Use the drop-down list of states to search for a specific state (by typing its name or scrolling down to it in the list).
Click the Play button to sit back and watch the �parade� of states/capitals unfold before you automatically.
Use the Settings drop-down window to set the controls for the Play feature. The default is to play the states in geographical order (roughly NW to SE). You can change to an alphabetical or random order.
You can also change the speed of the display from slow (roughly a new state every 12 seconds) to fast (a new state every 2 seconds).
If you make any changes other than speed, the Play will restart at the beginning.
The settings will be remembered on your device for your current browser for the next time you access the page.
Use the Pan/Zoom control in the upper left corner of the screen to move the map and zoom it in or out.
When you think you know the capitals well enough, try out the practice game to test your knowledge!