Usage Instructions for ver. 2.5
The goal is to click on the capital (or its country) whose name appears, randomly, at the top left of the screen.
Use the Pan/Zoom control in the upper left corner of the screen to move the map and zoom it in or out.
When you hover over a country or capital it will turn red. Click on the red country (or its capital city) if you think it is the named capital or its country.
If the country turns green, it means you clicked on the correct one, and your score goes up by 3 points for getting it right on the first try. If you clicked on the wrong capital/country, a pop-up message will inform you of this, and ask you to try again for 1 less point. If you get it right on the 2nd or 3rd try, the country will turn yellow and you will be rewarded 1-2 points. If you do not click the correct area after 3 tries, the capital�s country will turn dark gray, and you�ll be prompted for the next capital to find.
Right or wrong, once a capital has been completed, its name will appear when you hover over the capital, and the name of the country will appear when you hover over the country.
Use the Results button to see how well you've done. All of the capitals you've tried to find will appear, along with their country and your score, in alphabetic order by capital. Colors will reflect the color of the country. This will also show you how far you've come in completing the entire map.