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Bonded Pair on Top...
Separated Pair on Top...
Pair Not on Top or Touching (non-bonded)...
Look 1: Forming Yellow Cross...
Look 2: Making Up-face All Yellow...
Look 1: Orienting Top-rim Corners...
Look 2: Orienting Top-rim Edges...
Top-Rim matches Right
Top-Rim matches Front
Case 1: (W on R) Non-Matching
Case 2: (W on F) Non-Matching
Case 3: (W on R) Matching
Case 4: (W on F) Matching
Case 5: (W on U)
Hiding Safely
Bring pair to top
Pair Touching on Top (edge in Front)
Pair Touching on Top (edge on Right)
Case 1: 9:00 Pattern
Case 2: Line Pattern
Case 3: Dot Pattern
#1: 0 Corners, head and tail lightsH
#2: 0 Corners, headlights & turn-signalsPi
#3: 1 Corner, headlight on Front-RSune
#4: 1 Corner, headlight on Front-LAntiSune
#5: 2 Corners, diagonalL
#6: 2 Corners, across, no headlightsT
#7: 2 Corners, across, with headlightsU
Headlights (1 side already solved)T
No HeadlightsY
1 edge solved, unsolved need to go counter-clockwiseUa
1 edge solved, unsolved need to go clockwiseUb
Edges needing swapping are opposite each otherH
Edges needing swapping are adjacent to each otherZ