The Personal Website of Steve McRoberts
Advocating ethics through empathy
& treading lightly upon the Earth
God Bless Forgive America!
Is the U.S. deserving of a blessing, or in need of forgiveness?
God Forgive America
A brief, devastating run through U.S. history.
Tolstoy on Patriotism
Is Patiotism a Good Thing?
Read what Leo Tolstoy had to say about patriotism: As true today as it was 200+ years ago!.
Is he "the greatest president ever"?
So egregious that he gets his own section in U.S. history!

I live in a country which its citizens believe to be the best country in the world: a beacon of liberty and justice. I suppose most people in other countries feel the same way about their country. However, not every country can be the best. They all have their flaws, and times when they've not lived up to their ideologies. We all need to take an objective look at our history and admit our mistakes so that we can move forward to a better future. This is what I've attempted to do in my writings here. (And what Tolstoy also attempted to do: warning people of the dangers of patriotism.)

"Supporting our troops while they're fighting an immoral and illegal war is misguided and wrong. Members of our armed forces don't deserve insults, but their role in this war doesn't merit support... Cheering them as they leave and holding parades when they return would certainly be misinterpreted by citizens of other countries as popular support for an inglorious enterprise." --Ted Rall

When our troops invade other countries and kill their civilians, we invite their retaliation in the form of terrorism. Supporting our troops is thus not the way to fight terrorism, but the way in which it is perpetuated; in the endless cycle of violence begetting more violence. -- Steve McRoberts

  • The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the U.S. has been found guilty by the European Court of: torture, abuse, and secretly imprisoning.
  • U.S. drones have senselessly maimed and killed thousands of people in Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan.
  • More than a million people have been killed and millions more turned into refugees in the U.S. war against Iraq: a country which had nothing to do with the 9/11 tragedy.

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