Pain on Your Plate |
Part I - Vegetarians and Carnivores |
On this planet...

...there are two type of animals: carnivores and vegetarians.
(All true omnivores were originally carnivores who evolved in such a way that they no longer require meat,
but their bodies are still equipped to digest meat without health problems.
For the purposes of this program, we will treat omnivores as carnivores.)

Carnivores' bodies require the flesh of other animals.

Vegetarians do best on a diet consisting solely of vegetation.

As you might expect, the bodies of the two types of animals are very different.
Compare the intestinal tract of a carnivore with that of a vegetarian.
The carnivore's intestinal tract is short and large, and can quickly digest and eliminate meat from the system.
The vegetarian's tract, on the other hand, is long and winding: especially built to slowly digest vegetable matter.

Now look at the intestinal tract of the human being.
With some thirty feet of winding intestines it's obvious which type of animal we are.
Human beings belong to the Primate genus, and all Primates are vegetarians by nature.
Whether you realize it or not, you are a vegetarian by nature.
Your body is not equipped to properly digest animals.
When you eat animals or animal byproducts, your health suffers.
Update 2017: How we know We Are Herbivores (In light of the recent meat industry campaign to convince us that we're not.) |
1)flat jagged teeth for grinding
2)jaw moves side to side, for grinding
3)small narrow throat, food is grinded
4)small stomach, cannot eat so much in one go
5)eats many times a day in small amounts
5)long intestinal tract, 12 times torso
6)weak stomach acid
7)perspiration from pores
8)flimsy breakable nails, cannot be used for hunting
9)unable to regulate overdose of cholesterol intake, develops CVD
10)cannot produce vitamin C
11)appendix for inserting bacteria into the gut via lymph lining tissue for digestion
12)feet flat on ground, not permanently cocked for hunting like dogs for eg
13)weak uric acid
14)no protein or fat receptors on tongue
15)large saliva glands
16)saliva produces carbohydrate digestive enzymes
17)long life span
18)can travel long distances, endurance levels for gathering, not quick bursts of speed for hunting
19)alkaline saliva
20)needs fiber to stimulate contraction of muscles in gut
21)mouth opening small
22)non-secretion of uricase
23)long digestion periods
24)develops chronic disease from meat consumption
25)cannot survive healthily solely off meat, will most probably die. omnivores, no problem.
26)poor sense of smell for tracking prey
27)sips water, not laps
28) cannot detoxify vitamin A from meat
See also, these great videos on this subject:
Humans are Herbivores
Humans are Herbivores Debunked?