Pain on Your Plate |
Part III - Milk, Meat, and Truth in Advertising |

Not so long ago, the dairy industry was proclaiming to the nation that "everybody needs milk."
The Federal Trade Commission challenged that blatant lie, calling such advertising "false, misleading and deceptive."
They forced the retraction of the slogan.
Then the egg industry tried to put one over on us by taking out ads claiming that there is no scientific evidence
that eating eggs increases the risk of heart-attack. Once again the Federal Trade Commission went into action,
and forced them to retract the statement because it was such an obvious falsehood.

Today, the meat industry is engaging in similar false advertising with its claim that "meat gives strength."
To date they have offered no proof of this claim, though several studies have been done on this very subject.
Why doesn't the meat industry cite any of these studies?
Because each and every one of the studies found that vegetarians had more stamina and endurance than meat-eaters.
Professor Irving Fisher conducted one such study and published his results in the Yale Medical Journal. He concluded:
Of the three groups compared, the flesh-eaters showed far less endurance than the abstainers, even when the
latter were leading a sedentary life.
The difference in endurance was due entirely to the difference in their diet.
There is strong evidence that a non-flesh diet is conducive to endurance.
At the Academie de Medicine of Paris, Dr. Ioteyko conducted a series of tests in which vegetarians
from all walks of life averaged two to three times more stamina than the meat-eaters, and recovered from
exhaustion five times as quickly.
In Denmark, a study found that the same group of men could pedal a stationary bicycle for an average of 167 minutes
when fed a vegetarian diet. But only 57 minutes on a meat-based diet.
Many outstanding athletes are vegetarians. To name just a few:
- Dave Scott, who won the Iron Man Triathalon six times!
- Edwin Moses: the Olympic gold medalist who won every race he ran for eight consecutive years!
- Bill Pickering, who holds the world's record for swimming the English Channel.
- Murray Rose, who has won several Olympic gold medals for swimming.
- Roy Hillagan, a former Mr. America.
Every study done on the subject has shown that vegetarians (and particularly vegans) live longer healthier lives
than those who eat meat. To claim that meat is "essential to good health" is to lie; it flatly contradicts the facts.
Eating dead animals and animal byproducts is bad for your health.
The only reason that we ever thought otherwise is that the meat industry is the second largest industry in America.
Netting some 50 billion dollars a year. Second only to the auto industry, and just as willing to lie to sell its products.
It is the same industry which fabricated the so-called "basic four food groups": shrewdly populating half of the
food groups with its own products, and then flooding our schools with the propaganda for free.

I think it's time the meat industry changed its slogan and started telling the truth.
Here are some of my suggestions for their future ads.