The Personal Website of Steve McRoberts
Advocating ethics through empathy
& treading lightly upon the Earth
I so enjoyed reading the exchange between you and Rick. You have obviously acquired much knowledge on this subject over the years.

Over the past couple of years, I have "allowed" myself to be open minded about what the Bible is. I was brought up in an evangelical church, so our Bibles were always opened and studied.

I started at square one. Does God exist? That's one that I just can't seem to say "no" to. For me, it seems that, yes, God exists. Now, I'm not talking about any particular God. But I do have some relationship with something greater than me -- outside of me. I see Him move in time and circumstance. So I cannot be an atheist.

Then I moved to, "Well, who is this God?" My husband's mother was an evangelical, bible reading, porch preaching woman from the Caribbean. She was diagnosed with cancer, so my husband and I brought her to our home in the US for possible treatment. She would say that she didn't quite understand what God was doing, but she would follow his lead even to her death. She would pray to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. She would say grace over her food even though it was only a spoonful.

I saw something supernatural at work in our home. It was as if in those days our home was inhabited by "helpers" trying to make things easier for us all to bear. You know we see coincidences here and there, but man, I was seeing like 12 a day! It was really weird.

Now, that still didn't prove to me that this God was the God of the Bible. But to me it did prove that this God honored my mother-in-law's love and dependence on the force outside and greater than herself. She died with her son and son-in-law reciting Psalm 23 as she lifted her arms in praise.

Now, I'm good friends with an 80 yr old Muslim woman who loves me dearly and I love her. She practices all 5 pillars of her faith and I suppose she has since early childhood. She is a well educated woman from Iraq and we enjoy each other's company. She loves Allah every bit as much as my mother-in-law loved her God of the Bible.

I think that this God, whoever He might be, is more concerned with our hearts. We can discuss day and night about whether or not Jesus existed, or Muhammad was or was not a liar, or (fill in the blank). But, ultimately when the conversation is over, do we hug our kids or beat them. Do we help or walk away. Etc.

I think ultimately we will stand before this God (and maybe no one knows His true identity) one day and He will judge our hearts. I don't understand the purpose. But all I do know is that He's there. Maybe all of these writings have been man's attempt to put God in their own box.

You have such a great mind. I would ask you, though, for one week, put down your writings and books. Purposely open your heart to this Being outside of us and pray that He show Himself to you. I think He will.

Anyway, you enlightened me so much with your studies. Thank you for being such an extensive investigator!


Ps One thing I have taken from the Bible is the following verse "Love the lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself


Thank you for your lovely letter. It made my day.

I will try your suggestion for a week.

I agree that the disputes about "God" are ridiculous. No one knows. Yet they argue and wage wars over their "certainty."

In the end all that matters is love.


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This site is concerned with: ethics, compassion, empathy, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watchtower, poetry, philosophy, atheism, and animal rights.