The Personal Website of Steve McRoberts
Advocating ethics through empathy
& treading lightly upon the Earth
Interesting Correspondence From Visitors to our site.

Christianity / the Bible
From C.

A probing discussion with an intelligent Christian who eventually comes to see the light.

From Scott

A Christian accuses me of taking the Bible our of context. Then, in order to excuse the Bible's condoning of slavery, ends up taking the Bible out of context himself.

From R.S.

  • How can creation freely love God?
  • Testing God through prayer.
  • The pervert on the deserted island.
  • Agreeing to Disagree (how atheists and Christians can debate civilly)
  • Ethics through Authority, or Ethics through Empathy?

From D.

A discussion of Moses and what constitutes a "fact".

From Detective Steve S.

A detective of violent crimes relates to my poem "The Murderer's Confession"

From "Monarchbiblemin"

A believer's typical response.

From Dana

A woman shares her beliefs.

From Vince

Vince agrees that David was a "horrible sinner" but thinks he repented, and thanks to Jesus' death, now resides in heaven. I have some questions for Vince.

From Sue

A Christian woman accuses me of not understanding the Bible.

On Salvation

A Christian gives us the scoop on "salvation", and I give her the scoop on "creation".

From Chris P.

A Christian claims that the Jesus story is the only true conversion tool, but it only makes sense to "God's chosen Elect"

From V.M.

A Christian offers her critique of my writings on god.

From Randy

A discussion on freewill and my book Can the God of the Bible Exist?

Working out a system of ethics after leaving a cult:
From G. B.

  • A personally worked-out system of ethics.
  • Religion as a divisive force.
  • Justice and Recompense

Hunting / Guns
From Tom R.

A ninth-grader writing an essay on "hunting and ethics" asks some questions.

From Deb S.

A woman who agrees with my religious stance but takes issue with my stance on hunting.

From Mr. V.

A retired police officer argues in favor of guns.

From Andrew

Andrew asks me how I can say killing animals is wrong when there is a "hunting instinct" and claims that everything humans do is moral, and that to refrain from killing is "an insult to life"!

From Joe

Joe argues that if we don't "release our hatred and anger" by violence against non-human animals we will release it against humans!

© 2025 Steve McRoberts Contact me

This site is concerned with: ethics, compassion, empathy, Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watchtower, poetry, philosophy, atheism, and animal rights.