Many people have emailed me after reading Falling in Truth and have shared their own experiences with me. I have been very touched by all of the kind correspondence, (and I would love to hear from anyone who has read the book or just wants to talk). I do not feel at liberty to publish their personal stories here, but I have included what they said about Falling in Truth so that if anyone is trying to decide whether to read the book they can see what others thought of it.
It is seldom I read something as stimulating as your book, Steve! I couldn't 'put it down'. It took me three days to read, and, I must say, it is as revealing as having read Letters from Earth by Mark Twain, or the two books by Ray Franz.
I was at Bethel with my wife back in 72 and 73. I am now fifty three years old, and it seems to me I may be fairly bright, but exceptionally slow. It's too bad I didn't discover intelligent reading material such as your book sooner, methinks.
It seems to me that we people of European descent, the Western civilization, have had so much time to analyze these things of a selfish nature, that we insist there must be answers and purpose in life which revolve around us. How self-important we are-and all the more so since we have been fortunate (lucky) enough to be born when and where we were, in contrast to the vast majority of the human race--those having to concern themselves with mere survival.
Wish I could write like truly have a gift. Thank you for sharing it with us.
CT -- Former JW elder
I want to thank you for writing that book, I recognize so very very very much of what I believed and felt... Thanks for writing this book, it has made clearer all what I have been trying to word myself.
You did a remarkable job of stuffing the entire JW experience into one set of events. Chapters 5 and 7 should be mandatory reading for Witnesses. I particularly enjoyed chapter 13. Overall, you have obviously put a lot of time and effort into it. Thanks. It's good reading. Not a bad story either.
Great job!
I want to tell you that it was excellent. I could not put it down! Thank you once again for sending me that great story!
I finished reading your online book, Falling in Truth today. I want to congratulate you on this book. I am astounded by the amount of research and investigation it must have taken you to write this story� I have a lot more to think about regarding why we are here, and life in general. But the real benefit I got from your book is an increased empathy for other people, no matter what their belief. And for this, I thank you! You have a real talent for writing, and your dialogue kept me glued to the screen (I read it online). I must say, I can totally relate to the feelings your character "Ted" was having.
I read "Falling In Truth" a couple of weeks ago, and I found it to offer quite a roller-coaster ride emotionally. It is excellent! I was surprised at how strongly I was gripped by the plight of "fictional" characters. But of course they weren't "fictional," really, they were composites, and I must have recognized bits of dozens of people I knew as I grew up.
I've been visiting your web site quite regularly lately, mostly reading your JW novel. Believe it or not, you are helping me in my quest to understand the Witnesses and their religion... Thanks to Chapter 7, I now have a reasonable understanding of the JW term "Heart Condition" and the beginnings of understanding the prohibition on blood transfusions.
Start reading.