(Formerly known as the Rational Compassionate Living website.)
What it is: A collection of things I've written and created over the years, some of which I hope others may find entertaining or useful.
My motto: "Advocating ethics through empathy & treading lightly upon the Earth."
Here are several fun games and learning tools to help acquaint you with your world!

There are 3 main categories:
  • The World
  • North America
  • U.S.A.

Within those categories there are a variety of different options:
  • Learn Areas or Capitals
  • Jigsaw Puzzle (Drag an area to the right spot, then name it)
  • Name an Area (Click on an area, then name it)
  • Find an Area or Capital (Given the name, click on the area)


Learn   Name   Find   Click & Tell


Learn the Countries

Learn the States/Provinces

Learn the States

Name the Countries

Name the States/Provinces

Name the States

Countries Jigsaw Puzzle

States Jigsaw Puzzle

Find the Countries

Find the States/Provinces

Learn the Capitols of Countries

Learn the Capitols of the States

Find the Capitols of Countries

Find the Capitols of the States