Visit the Tutorials tab for a complete list of tutorials, including: How to get the most out of this site; Rules of Sudoku; Techniques (from simple to advanced)!
Generate, Load, or Enter a puzzle in the Load tab.
Set your preferences in the Setting tab.
Use the Tools tab for helpful functions while you manually solve the puzzle, or use the Guided Solve tab to follow along as the computer shows you how to solve it.
To navigate on the board, hover over a cell (or use arrow keys to move from cell to cell.)
Enter Big or Small ("candidate") numbers in the cell however you set these functions up in the Settings tab (e.g. keyboard, numpad, or mouse.)
You can underline candidate numbers via the U (for Underline) key to indicate that a block owns the candidate on that row.
You can prime (') candidate numbers via the ' (double or single quote) key to indicate that a block owns the candidate on that column.
You can circle candidate numbers via the C (for Circle) key to indicate that the candidate appears exactly twice in that block.
As a shortcut you can hover over the 3x3 grid area of a cell and press one of the above keys to input both the number and the symbol at the same time.
The program will prevent you from entering a number that already exists in its house (by "house" we mean the row, column, and block a cell belongs to.) It will sound a warning tone and highlight a number that prevents your entry.
Free registration (from the Login tab) allows you to save your results and partially completed puzzles to resume later. It will also remember which puzzles you�ve done so you won�t see repeats.
ver. 1.01
Load a puzzle, generate a puzzle, or manually enter a puzzle on the board.
For logged-in users, any partially completed puzzles will appear below.
Note: Green buttons are "press-and-hold". Release to end, or slide-off to lock (then click to unlock.)
For Numbers
Big #s
Small #s
Conj. Pairs
To solve a single cell, hover over the cell and press the S key.