This is a collection of free online games and learning tools that I have created for your enjoyment.
You can learn chess with our simple interactive lessons (as well as learn some life-lessons along the way).
When you're ready, there is a low-level chess game you can play against the computer.
In our "Geo Games" you learn and test your knowledge of geography, with several variations, in both 2D and 3D!
Our interactive Matchstick Game presents you with tens of thousands of puzzles where you must move one matchstick to make the equation true.
We have a Virtual 3D Rubik's Cube for you to solve, along with step-by-step guidance to solve your 3x3 Rubik's Cube.
You can also learn Sudoku or pick up advanced solving strategies. Then solve the thousands of Sudoku puzzles on our site (or enter your own) with our helpful tools.
HSVT is an interactive version of the Heinrich Spatial Visual Test. This was designed to test the spatial aptitude of engineers, but it turns out that it's fun for everyone to try and solve.
Vorb is a Virtual Orb 3D puzzle based on the Parker Brothers' Orb / Hasbro Atomix physical bead puzzle.