(Formerly known as the Rational Compassionate Living website.)
What it is: A collection of things I've written and created over the years, some of which I hope others may find entertaining or useful.
My motto: "Advocating ethics through empathy & treading lightly upon the Earth."
Ethics/Animal Rights
In the transcribed videos below, I demonstrate the reasoning and ethics behind the "animal rights" movement.

In the culture in which I was raised (the Midwestern United States of America) animal abuse has been the norm. Recreational hunting is rampant in my home state and is perpetrated even by college educated professionals. And torturing fish is considered a pleasant and peaceful pastime!

Here, women think it is a mark of elegance to drape themselves in the skins and furs of animals who were cruelly clubbed to death or electrocuted or caught in barbaric leg-hold traps.

But the vast majority of animal and environmental abuse comes from the practice of meat eating.

There is no excuse for us to eat meat when nutritional alternatives are available. Eating meat is bad for your health, bad for the environment, bad for global hunger, and of course bad for the animals who are killed (often after spending their shortened lives in cramped, horrible conditions.)

If you claim to be an ethical person and you live in an area where non-animal food products are available, then you have no excuse for not being a vegetarian. If you take exception (or offense) at that statement, please carefully consider these transcribed videos. Then, if you still disagree, please let me know why.

Pain on Your Plate Bloodsports Answering Arguments Against Animal Rights
On Vegetarianism On Bloodsports (e.g. sport hunting & fishing) Answering arguments against animals